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                                         ENGLISH TO HINDI TRANSLATE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HELLO GAIS WELCOME BACK MY NEW BLOG                                                                                                                                 Hello Guys Welcome back to my new blog 19th August 2022    


      So at the moment it is ready to take a bath, because now we are going back from Mumbai to New Delhi.                                                                                                                                                             And our finally trip has been completed, Mumbai's plan was to go to Goa, but now it is canceled, then we will go to Goa again.                   ।For the time being, we are going from here to stop in Mumbai, let's see where we stop.                                                                                 At present, they are ready to take a bath and have breakfast and when they leave, they have finally had breakfast and now they leave from here to Mumbai and New Delhi.                                                                                                                                                                  
And it's been 4 days since we stayed in Mumbai and it was the longest trip of our life, 10 have been more than three and now the memory of the family is missing that's why                                                                                                                                                          Now let's go from here to New Delhi and let's see how many days it takes to reach, for the time being, have just left the hotel with the car, friends meet after reaching New Delhi and with tomorrow's new blog till the basetp Luck Guys welcome Tomorrow's New Blog My Website Link .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      hello guise welcome back to my new blog                                                my new blog 20 august 2022                                          

So it is now at noon that it is 12.00 o'clock,
so geese is still hungry, so now we eat something and go ahead, so finally we have had lunch now so we feel very hungry so we thought eat something takes

For the time being, we have already done

So let's drive a little longer, so for the time being we have to drive till 04.00 in the evening.

So now we have to drive for 02.00 hours and drive for 02.00 hours and after that we do hotel booking.

And then tomorrow you will leave for Delhi because today you will not be able to reach today.
Today our plan is to go till Ahmedabad and stop there but the marrow is coming.

Fainlly Guys has reached Ahmedabad but it is 10 o'clock in the night, so let's do hotel booking.

So finally hotel got MIL and booking done as you can see below photo of hotel

।So it is already 10.00 o'clock in the night and geese go to sleep now, so till the morning, best up luck.

So it is now 07.00 in the morning and we are ready to take a bath, so we have left early because we have to go too far and we have to reach home today.

Guys are finally evicted from the hotel and keep them in the same car.

So guise ends this blog of today and I hope that tomorrow's blog will be liked by all of you and thank you for reading the whole blog and have a nice day and see you in tomorrow's new blog.


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            HELLO GAES GOOD MORNING WELCOME BACK  TO MY  NEW BLOG                                                                                                  my new blog 19th August 2022                                                                                                                                            So at the moment it is ready to take a bath, because now we are going back from Mumbai to New Delhi.                                                                                                                                                                   And our finally trip has been completed, Mumbai's plan was to go to Goa, but now it is canceled, then we will go to Goa again.                                                                                                                                                                              ।For the time being, we are going from here to stop in Mumbai, let's see where we stop.